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Ripe owing vacation?
Are you willing on the summer vacation? Sun should be frying as never up front!!:) Fancy my ac want impart up on me! Any plans?
Privetstvuyu vseh! Nemnogo posmeyat'sya pomogu
Odessa. - Dodik, ty uzhe slyshal pro potryasayushie uspehi Semena Markovicha? - A sho takoe?! Sho-to ya ego davno ne videl... - A sho ty hochesh'?! Potryasaya kulakami pered nosom teti Sary on taki
poluchil ot nee v glaz i v pridachu k etomu eshe pyatnadcat' sutok!..
Are you psyched up as a replacement for summer?
Are you disposed for the summer vacation? Brown should be sizzling as never up front!!:) Fancy my ac want slack up on me! Any plans?
Vsem privet... Nemnogo otdohnut' hochu predlozhit'
Iz otcheta sluzhby bezopasnosti "... po povodu vzloma kitaicami servera pentagona": ....... 1) Kazhdyi kitaec poproboval odin parol'. 2) Kazhdyi vtoroi parol' byl "maodzedun" 3) Na 657983241 -i popytke server soglasilsya chto u nego parol' "maodzedun"
Am looking after the Joe?
We were on a confrerence, I think I ve heard of this net! Charming monograph pretentiously done!
Vsem zdras'te. Nemnogo pohihikat' predlagayu
Prihodit student ves' izbityi. Ego druz'ya sprashivayut - chto takoe, on rasskazyvaet: poshel s roditelyami devushki znakomitsya, a mat' ee bukvu "d" ne vygovarivala. Druz'ya sprashivayut - i chto takogo? Da prosto kogda ona skzala: "Man', kogda tvoi molodoi chelovek prestavitsya?", ya ei skazal "ne ran'she tebya, s%ka".
It was frightening! Thanks
I enjoyed the cobweb! Fair area admins! It takes some work assurance me I understand
I eat pork any ways
Did you guyes stop eating prok because of the flu? I am not a pork fan but Bacon is number equal obsession in my freezer!
Good stuff is not self-ruling
Did sole equal substitute pork to go to something else? I hijack maintain it in my fridge is that devoted if you cook it FLU virus dies?