SMW notes
(from mailing list)
Data design
- Create a top category for Semantic Classes. I called mine 'Categories'. It holds only categories used to define a 'Is-a' relationship. Doing so has at least two benefits : 1- You can do a query on your core content by restricting it to the 'Categories' level. 2- You can define other categories outside of that structure for whatever your system needs.
Categories can be hierarchical; properties can't (yet).
MW tricks
If you want to clear out old pages you can delete them and use deleteArchivedRevisions.php to erase the deleted revisions from the database.
You can make use of the VariablesExtension [1] and store the query (or its result? I'd like to know which one, but in the end it doesn't really matter) in a variable, which is helpful when you need the same query multiple times within a page. It looks like this:
(silent) or
(with output)
Further down in the page you can write
Specific searches
<inputbox> type=search width=30 namespaces=Help**,Wikipedia**,Template** searchbuttonlabel=Search help pages bgcolor=#cee0f2 break=no </inputbox>
Enable links in property values
$smwgLinksInValues = true;
Must add namespaces to config
Otherwise they won't have semantic properties.
$smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks array
Neat talk on MW, with refs to SMW: